De la casa ANL la „Prima casă”. Modele ale suburbanizării românești din anii 2000 / From the ANL house to the “First house”. Models of Romanian suburbanization in the 2000s

Andrei-Alexandru Corbet-Nits

Rezumat/Abstract. In the history of Romanian post-revolutionary real-estate market, the construction of mortgage loan-financed single-family housing estates by the National Housing Agency (Agenția Națională pentru Locuințe - ANL) represents a unique chapter. These estates display both the intention of the public sector to plan the emerging suburbia and the ambition of the governments from those years to rehabilitate the state as a major participant in the housing market. The success of the first operations of this kind have pushed ANL towards more ambitious projects, the largest being the Henri Coandă development in Bucharest and Voluntari. This model project has missed its potential in the context of legislative and administrative blunders and ambiguities, the economic crisis and numerous project changes. With the downsizing of ANL's single-family housing activity, in 2009 the Romanian government launched the “First home” program to consolidate home ownership, but by delegating the entire design and construction activity to the private sector. Although “First House” has certain common aspects with the ANL mortgage loan housing program, the scale and ambition of the projects differs significantly. Through case studies, this article displays critical presentation of the impact on urban development that the last two decades of Romanian public sector involvement had in the single-family housing market, as well as observations on possible and/or necessary future evolutions.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: social housing, housing estates, mortgage loan, residential development, housing market, urban sprawl

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