„Oraşul circular” – pârghii de tranziţie către o nouă paradigmă a dezvoltării spaţiale / “The circular city” – transition levers to a new spatial development paradigm

Cristina Andreea Bălan

Rezumat/Abstract. Over time, cities, as genuine economic, cultural, and innovation hubs, have undergone various events that influenced their further evolutionary patterns. Since ancient times, cities have been characterized by deep-seated circular skills stemming from the early society's circular-oriented mentality. However, the industrial revolutions, coupled with the implementation of progressive obsolescence policies, represented decisive moments in redirecting urban development in a depreciatory sense. Despite the immaturity of research frameworks, the lack of a unanimously accepted approach, and an unclear definition framework, recent developments indicate a noticeable urban tendency to return to circular development and regulation patterns. Consequently, considering the methodological differences in approach and the experimental and diverse nature of urban transition initiatives towards circular spatial development patterns, this article aims to explore the relationships of spatial and circular reciprocity. In this order, we posit that analyzing the structural competencies of the circular city and its associated levers is crucial in comprehending the changing context of the paradigm shift in urban development.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: circular city, systemic approach, collaboration, embodied potential, efficiency

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