Risk analysis in road infrastructure construction projects using the FMEA method - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

Alexandra-Marina Barbu, Nicolae Postăvaru

Rezumat/Abstract. In the road infrastructure construction sector, where challenges are complex and varied, the success of a project essentially depends on efficient risk management. The FMEA method (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) offers a strategic and systematic approach, allowing project managers to anticipate and develop action plans to minimize the impact of potential risks. This article explores the applicability of FMEA in road infrastructure construction, a field marked by high uncertainties. Through FMEA, risks are proactively identified and managed, contributing to the optimization of resources and the reduction of unexpected costs, thus improving the safety and durability of the infrastructure. Emphasis is placed on risk analysis and the planning of mitigation measures, demonstrating the method's effectiveness in reducing delays and budget overruns, as well as in ensuring a high level of quality in construction. The article illustrates the practical implementation of FMEA, highlighting its contribution to improving the sustainability and efficiency of projects. The article emphasizes the essential role of FMEA in risk management in road infrastructure projects, arguing that, in a field exposed to variations and uncertainties, the proactive and systematic approach provided by FMEA is of major importance in ensuring the success, sustainability, and safety of projects.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: cost reduction, financial efficiency, infrastructure project management, failure mode and effects analysis, risks in road infrastructure projects, planning, monitoring, construction investment projects

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