Reusing urban elevated infrastructures in European cities

Iulia Drăghici

Rezumat/Abstract. The widespread use of automobiles in the past century led to the creation of barrier-like structures within cities worldwide such as elevated infrastructures. Fortunately, in recent years, there has been significant change in recognizing the potential of underdeveloped land beneath these structures. These spaces, often unused, can be transformed into valuable assets through tactical urbanism initiatives and urban regeneration plans. A group of young architects in Italy, led by Renzo Piano, aimed to repurpose the space beneath a viaduct in Rome into a social hub. Similarly, in the Netherlands, a vacant highway area was transformed into a vibrant mix of commercial, leisure, and sports activities. In London, a bold project created a symbolic connection between the elevated infrastructure and an imaginary house trapped beneath it. In all cases, there was a need to restore the connections and to piece back the remnants of former neighborhoods and communities. These projects can serve as inspiration for both abandoned and active highways. This article aims to examine the impact of this kind of infrastructure projects on their urban context. Another objective is to study the architectural and urban design practices used and to learn what worked and what didn’t meet expectations.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: overpass, reutilization plans, temporary use, strategies

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