Impactul fenomenului tele-muncă asupra mediului urban / The impact of remote work phenomenon on the urban environment

Alexandru-Mihai Cristea

Rezumat/Abstract. The present times bring, with the technological progress, a crisis of unprecedented dwelling. The outsourcing of work is one of the consequences of the industrial revolution omited by history or it does not relate enough about this phenomenon. People have started to go "outside" to work, often in factories, where new techniques and technologies have improved the work process, making it easier and more productive. There has been a major change in living environment, urban centers have become important poles to attract unskilled labor force, leading to overcrowding and numerous hygiene problems. The architects were facing unprecedented problems, for which it was necessary to find solutions. The need of separating family time from work hours was felt in a big way at the time of introducing the concept of functional zoning (concept introduced as a solution for the effects of the industrialization upon cities) on a large scale, where work and "at home" are separated by default, with a major impact on how cities are built and designed. As a result, living neighborhoods are emptied during the day, when parents go to work and children are at school. In conclusion, mankind is facing a perioad of changes, were technology start to shape people’s daily rutine, making room in their lives for more social activities. By doing so, work is combined with the living enviroment, something to witch the people aren’t completly strangers. Yet again mankind needs to adapt, to present day life challenges, and give birth to new layouts of hounsing, as well as urban environment.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: architecture, remote, work, environment, urban, optimize

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