Relațiile dintre corpuri și spațiul urban / The relations between bodies and the urban environment

Alexandru-Mihai Cristea

Rezumat/Abstract. The relationship between the body and the inhabited space is a particularly complex one and studied in great detail throughout the entire history of the built space. The house was seen as a place of refuge, of silence and retreat, a place where the body and the soul formed a common body with the living space, they were organically linked. I think it's important to note that this kind of tripartite body-soul-inhabited space relationship is one that has endured for thousands of years and is what ultimately gave meaning to human existence. With the transition to modernity, however, a deep break occurs between body and soul, and it is the first time that the two components no longer formed an indivisible unit. The body and the soul were no longer a unit, and I think this is the moment when living also becomes something else. This moment can be referred to as the moment of crisis, which produces the breaking of the system mentioned above. The consequences of this break appear obvious with the promotion of modern ideas.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: architecture, bodies, environment, urban, public space

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