Proposition of a Smart Resilience Plan: A Case Study of Algiers, North-Africa
Feriel Kheira Kebaili, Hani Amir Aouissi, Alexandru-Ionuț Petrișor
Rezumat/Abstract. Urban resilience is the capacity of a city and its sub-systems to reduce impacts from disturbances, to absorb damages. There are a lot of damages that marked the city of Algiers over the last decade. Consequently, it is essential to account for risks when drafting and implementing spatial plans. This study aims at proposing a smart resilience plan adapted to Algiers. The present study emphasizes the significance of constructing resilience to urban catastrophes in order to minimize the negative effects of disasters and serve as a base for sustainable development.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: urban resilience, hazard, risk, Algeria, Algiers
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