Dezvoltare durabilă versus dezvoltare teritorială durabilă / Sustainable development versus sustainable territorial development
Raluca Petre
Rezumat/Abstract. The article discusses the difference between the concept of sustainable development of a territory and the concept of sustainable territorial development. The concept of sustainable development had a significant evolution since 1713, from the entering of the phrase "sustained-yield forestry" and until present day, when it is understood in terms of two key objectives: what should be developed and what should be supported in a given territory. The purpose of this model of development is to increase the wellbeing of the population while preserving cultural diversity and protecting the environment in a particular territory. This model, however, does not account for the possibility to “import sustainability” from other territories. The concept of sustainable territorial development is a more recent one, as it appeared in 2000 in the Strategy for Regional and Territorial Development in Europe. It promotes key issues, such as: territorial competitiveness, social and territorial cohesion, polycentric development and sustainable development. This concept is understood in terms of the balance between available resources and used resources in a particular territory.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: sustainability, developement, urban planning, territorial planning, needed resources
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