Descoperiri recente în opera arhitectului George Matei Cantacuzino / Recent Discoveries in Deed of Arhitect George Matei Cantacuzino
Andreea Vasilca
Rezumat/Abstract. Architect George Matei Cantacuzino has been evoked in many writings as the only theoretician of Romanian architecture, distinguished personality of modern Romanian architecture and interwar society, with deep implications over all domains of architecture (architecture, restoration, urban planning, landscape, architecture theory and criticism), in the Romanian school of architecture (teaching and lecturing on architecture and culture), in the literature (creating the architectural essay), in painting (exhibitions and chronicles in the Royal Foundations Review, the Romanian Historical Review, magazines or newspapers). A close study of his life and work revealed official documents that either invalidate an important part of the published information, or uncover works unknown or not been presented at their real value, reason for which it is necessary to make some clarifications and considerations regarding the writings published so far to present, with application to two of his projects, insufficiently known, and thus interpretable: The Aircraft Factory of Romanian Aeronautic Industry (Brasov) and its block of flats for employees, and St. Basil Church in Domnu Tudor village, Dolj County (the research brings novelty in the Byzantine cult space solution). The purpose of the article is to evoke this personality in the light of historical truth and respect his memory.
Cuvinte cheie/Key words: GMC, Chrissoveloni Bank, IAR Braşov, parabolics archs, Byzantine church
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