Modele de evaluare a accesibilităţii teritoriale utilizând GIS / Models for assessing territorial accessibility using GIS

Antonio-Valentin Tache

Rezumat/Abstract. Space is the basic concept of geographical analysis, and the spatial relations established between the different elements of the environment are those that structure the planable territory. On a temporal scale, the European space was shaped by a variety of vectors, which ultimately sought to make the use of the geographical landscape more efficient, implicitly by increasing accessibility between expanding cities, between supply and demand. Accessibility is the main "product" of a transport system. This determines the advantage of positioning one region over the others (including itself). Accessibility indicators can be defined to reflect, within or outside the region, the transport infrastructure affecting the region. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used as scientific and methodological tools for measuring accessibility, monitoring the resulting indicators, identifying spatial disparities and finally finding solutions to support territorial planning.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: transport, indicators, spatial planning, travel times, linear networks, cost surface model, cost weighted distance

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