Les ressources pour la promotion du développement urbain durable : cas de la ville nouvelle de Diamniadio / Resources for the promotion of sustainable urban development: the case of the new city of Diamniadio

Modou Ndiaye

Rezumat/Abstract. The purpose of this article is to analyze the promotion of sustainable urban development. The major question is to understand how the new city project adapts to the new production model of the city based on a normative approach including relevant practices. Urban planning consists of a project approach which tends towards sustainable production in the city. The latter must in no way ignore resources for the promotion of sustainable urban development, the transposition of which into space constitutes a challenge to be met. To be viable, the Diamniadio sustainable city project must essentially take care of the landscape and environmental, social and land dimensions linked to Senegalese history and culture.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: urban planning, sustainable development, sustainable city, urban pole, city project, urban governance, Diamniadio-Senegal

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