La politique environnementale au Sénégal : l’assainissement dans la ville de Diamniadio / Environmental policy in Senegal: sanitation in the city of Diamniadio

Modou Ndiaye

Rezumat/Abstract. Urban development is accompanied by significant production of wastewater and waste. The collection and treatment of this waste and spent waste results in the presence of numerous unauthorized dumps, stagnation of waste water. Most of the waste comes from households, industrial establishments and hospitals. The removal and disposal of waste is a crucial environmental problem in Senegalese cities. These problems stem from a series of causes which revolve around irregular collection, incomplete territorial coverage, and insufficient collection equipment, the absence of an effective treatment system and non-implication of the populations. To this end, Senegal’s environmental policy, in particular the management of wastewater and waste is one of the fundamental challenges of cities.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: environment, urban development, cities, waste, wastewater

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