Procesul regenerării siturilor de tip brownfield – un obiectiv cheie în dezvoltarea urbană durabilă (1) / Brownfield regeneration process – a key objective for a sustainable urban development (1)

Michael Alexander H. E. Birgmayr

Rezumat/Abstract. Brownfield regeneration, involving the reintegration of derelict and abandoned sites into their economic environments, is a key element of sustainable urban development and tackles environmental, social, economic and cultural issues, which are the main aspects of sustainability. Most Eastern and Central European cities, mainly because of their history and the features of transition to a market-led economy, carry an exceptionally large burden of under-used and brownfield land. This land represents a hole in the urban fabric, with significant losses in economic efficiency, social cohesion and quality of life. At the same time, new development on agricultural land that could have been located on recycled brownfield land is contributing to urban sprawl. This further reduces the city and community economic performance and competitiveness. Given this context, I have decided to come up with an article that deals with the brownfield issue, explaining the necessity of implementing successful strategies for the brownfield regeneration process at European level, the factors that contribute to such successful stories, as well as the steps and the barriers towards a sustainable urban development from the perspective of its 4 dimensions: economic, social and cultural, environmental and institutional.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: brownfield, development, sustainability, regeneration, space planning

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