Reţeaua de arii naturale protejate din intravilanul municipiilor din România în contextul reglementărilor urbanistice existente / The network of natural protected areas within the Romanian municipalities in the context of the existing urban planning regulations

Atena-Ioana Gârjoabă, Cerasella Crăciun

Rezumat/Abstract. The natural protected areas occupy approximately 1,234,710 hectares (5.18% of the total area of Romania). More than half of the urban localities (approximately 59%) overlap with at least one NPA. Although in Romania there is only one NPA of urban type, it is subject to the same legal norms as any other one. In Romania there is no legislation dedicated to urban NPAs. The main purpose of the paper is to identify at national level, the means by which urban planning and spatial planning documents address NPAs partially integrated in urban areas and the relationship of their landscape boundary, urban morpho-typological fabric and urban development pressures. Four different case studies are analyzed from the point of view of the biogeographical region in which it is located, the spatial relationship with NPAs in the context of the relationship with urban areas, including radiography of regulatory tools and existing strategy and planning principles analyzed. Following the research, it will be possible to draw conclusions regarding the frequency of the situation of the presence of NPAs in the built-up area, as well as related to the existence, successful application or finding of a specific regulatory vacuum and legislative gaps in these particular situations.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: sensitive boundary, urban planning, landscape, green infrastructure, biodiversity, urban indicators, functional zoning, urban ecology

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