Percepția spațiului construit - investigații sociologice. Studiu de caz Alexandria / Perception of built space - sociological investigations. Case study of Alexandria municipality

Anne Marie Gacichevici

Rezumat/Abstract. The first part of the case study carried out at the level of the city of Alexandria is made up of the data obtained from the interviews and their interpretation. The sample components were distributed in such a way that the interviews were representative at the local level and ensured respect for the principle of equal opportunities. The questions in the interview were formulated in such a way as to: answer the objective of identifying the expectations of citizens regarding the entities that should be involved in improving the built environment, in educating and informing about the architectural aesthetics of the space and the importance of their involvement in maintaining and improving the aesthetics of public space and implicitly on the quality of life; to provide relevant information for establishing the needs to identify solutions to improve decision-making transparency and active involvement in consultative and decision-making processes; to assess the perception of the present situation; to inventory the expectations regarding the quality of the services provided by the national authorities, the European Union, the Local Council/City Hall, the environmental and heritage authorities, cultural entities, etc.

Cuvinte cheie/Key words: expectations of citizens, the built environment, the quality of life, local and central public administrations, the quality of the services

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